Optimalkan Transformasi PR, GS Astra Raih Indonesia Top Digital Public Relations Award 2018
Optimizing PR Transformation, GS Astra Achieved Indonesia Digital Public Relations Award 2018
English Title: Optimizing PR Transformation, GS Astra Achieved Indonesia Digital Public Relations Award 2018
English Body: JAKARTA: Public Relations (PR) do not only provide information through press releases these days, but also processing and benefiting various content of social media in order to reach their consumers. The ease access to social media and two-way communication that is accommodated by social media is also a popular platform in today's society. This opportunity is seized by GS Astra, as the most widely used consumer battery product, to optimize the role of Public Relations in this digital age by communicating and building closer relationship with netizens through mass media to create positive perceptions of products and companies. Through digital channels, GS Astra provides creative education to consumers in order to increase brand awareness, where on Thursday, January 25, 2018 GS Astra received an appreciation from TRAS N CO Research through the Indonesia Top Digital Public Relation Award 2018 in the category of battery as one of the most successful brand which able to build good Public Relations in this digital era. This award involves approximately 350 companies with 50 business categories that successfully utilized the role of Public Relations in social media. The survey conducted among netizens with 3 parameters of digital valuation. These include Digital Media Aspect to see the news about the brand or company caught by google.id, social Engagement Aspect by looking at the interactions between brands or companies through Facebook's social media, and Digital Mention Aspect where all the netizens mentioning a brand in each of their statuses or postings through two social media of facebook and instagram. This award becomes the proof of excellent combination between GS Astra achievement and strategy in evolving flawlessly towards every change in the dynamic world of communication media.
JAKARTA: Peran Public Relations di era digital saat ini tidak hanya memberikan informasi melalui siaran pers saja, akan tetapi bagaimana mengolah dan juga memanfaatkan berbagai media yang ada terutama media sosial untuk menjangkau konsumennya.
Kemudahan akses di media sosial dan komunikasi dua arah yang diakomodir oleh media sosial ini juga menjadikan platform tersebut popular di masyarakat saat ini. Peluang tersebut ditangkap secara jeli oleh GS Astra, sebagai produk aki yang paling banyak digunakan oleh konsumen, untuk mengoptimalkan peran Public Relations dalam era digital dengan berkomunikasi dan membangun engagement lebih dalam lagi dengan netizen melalui media massa guna menciptakan persepsi positif terhadap produk dan perusahaan.
GS Astra melalui channel digital memberikan edukasi kreatif kepada konsumen sehingga meningkatkan awareness brand, sehingga pada Kamis, 25 Januari 2018 GS Astra mendapatkan apresiasi dari TRAS N CO Research melalui penghargaan Indonesia Top Digital Public Relation Award 2018 dalam kategori Aki sebagai salah satu brand yang berhasil membangun Public Relations di era digital.
Penghargaan ini melibatkan sekitar 350 perusahaan dengan 50 kategori bisnis yang berhasil memanfaatkan peran Public Relations di media sosial, berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan kepada netizen dengan 3 parameter penilaian digital yaitu Digital Media Aspect untuk melihat pemberitaan seputar brand atau perusahaan yang tertangkap oleh google.id, Social Engagement Aspect dengan melihat interaksi antara brand atau perusahaan melalui media sosial Facebook, dan Digital Mention Aspect dimana banyaknya penyebutan brand atau perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh netizen di setiap status maupun postingan mereka melalui dua media social facebook dan instagram diperhitungkan.
Selain itu, dengan diperolehnya penghargaan ini, membuktikan bahwa gabungan dari pencapaian dan strategi GS Astra mampu berakselerasi dengan baik terhadap setiap perubahan media komunikasi. yang begitu dinamis.
JAKARTA: Public Relations (PR) do not only provide information through press releases these days, but also processing and benefiting various content of social media in order to reach their consumers.
The ease access to social media and two-way communication that is accommodated by social media is also a popular platform in today's society. This opportunity is seized by GS Astra, as the most widely used consumer battery product, to optimize the role of Public Relations in this digital age by communicating and building closer relationship with netizens through mass media to create positive perceptions of products and companies.
Through digital channels, GS Astra provides creative education to consumers in order to increase brand awareness, where on Thursday, January 25, 2018 GS Astra received an appreciation from TRAS N CO Research through the Indonesia Top Digital Public Relation Award 2018 in the category of battery as one of the most successful brand which able to build good Public Relations in this digital era.
This award involves approximately 350 companies with 50 business categories that successfully utilized the role of Public Relations in social media. The survey conducted among netizens with 3 parameters of digital valuation. These include Digital Media Aspect to see the news about the brand or company caught by google.id, social Engagement Aspect by looking at the interactions between brands or companies through Facebook's social media, and Digital Mention Aspect where all the netizens mentioning a brand in each of their statuses or postings through two social media of facebook and instagram.
This award becomes the proof of excellent combination between GS Astra achievement and strategy in evolving flawlessly towards every change in the dynamic world of communication media.