English Title: About GS ASTRA

English Body:



GS Battery Corporation


GS Battery established in 1972 and become the first battery developer in Indonesia with lisence from Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd., the first battery producer in Japan 


The battery brand produced is GS Astra. The origin of the GS name comes from the founder of Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd., named Genzo Shimadzu. He was the first person to conduct the research about battery manufacture in Japan. Also, he is the inventor of the production process of lead powder as the raw material of automotive battery.

Through this millennium era, PT GS Battery has become a strong player in the automotive business with:

•Achievement of QS 9000 and ISO 9001 certificate by SGS Certificate Board which is the recognition of quality standard and product design of PT. GS Battery, and the quality certificate of PT. GS Battery products issued by Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd. Japan.

•The location of 3 factories (Sunter, Karawang & Semarang) guarantee products availability.

•Continuous product innovation with orientation to consumer satisfaction.

•Trusted as supplier of genuine parts of motor vehicle manufacturers, among others:
4-Wheels: Toyota, Daihatsu, Izusu, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Mazda, Ford, Hino, Nissan, Hyundai, Peugeot.
2-Wheels: Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Vespa, Kawasaki



48 Years Commitment of Serving Customers

Brief History of Trademark History  GS Astra battery:


In July 21, 1958, the GS brand (now GS Astra) was registered with number 63999, and in November 8, 1971, Japan Storage Battery (JAPAN), PT Multi Investment (Astra Group) and Toyota Tsusho Kaisha (JAPAN) entered into a joint venture agreement to establish PT . GS Battery Inc. (Now PT GS Battery) in Indonesia.


In March 30, 1974, the GS brand (now GS Astra) listed with number 63999 has been extended by number 103873 and factory PT. GS Battery Inc. (Now PT GS Battery) was ready to operate in Indonesia.


GS Astra Battery is also recognized as the original parts for cars such as TOYOTA, DAIHATSU, SUZUKI, MITSUBISHI etc. and original parts for motorcycle such as HONDA, YAMAHA, SUZUKI etc.


In 19 January 1979, PT GS Battery Inc. (Now PT GS Battery) entered into a distributor agreement with PT. Menara Alam Teknik (now PT Astra Otoparts Tbk.), where PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. was appointed as sole distributor for GS Astra battery sales until now.


GS Astra battery has been produced / marketed in Japan for ± 100 Years and joint ventures in 50 countries including America, Europe, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia etc.

Sole Distributor
PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk.

With the support of distribution network that has been built for more than 25 years from PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. as sole distributor of GS Astra products, GS Astra products are now widely available in the Indonesian market.

The quality of the product is guaranteed by the monitoring system of products distribution which is done very well by PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk, It is proven by the achievement of ISO 9000 certificate from the International Certification Board of PT. TUV International Indonesia.


GS Battery Corporation

GS Battery established in 1972 and become the first battery developer in Indonesia with lisence from Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd., the first battery producer in Japan 

The battery brand produced is GS Astra. The origin of the GS name comes from the founder of Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd., named Genzo Shimadzu. He was the first person to conduct the research about battery manufacture in Japan. Also, he is the inventor of the production process of lead powder as the raw material of automotive battery.

Through this millennium era, PT GS Battery has become a strong player in the automotive business with:

•Achievement of QS 9000 and ISO 9001 certificate by SGS Certificate Board which is the recognition of quality standard and product design of PT. GS Battery, and the quality certificate of PT. GS Battery products issued by Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd. Japan.
•The location of 3 factories (Sunter, Karawang & Semarang) guarantee products availability.
•Continuous product innovation with orientation to consumer satisfaction.
•Trusted as supplier of genuine parts of motor vehicle manufacturers, among others:
4-Wheels: Toyota, Daihatsu, Izusu, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Mazda, Ford, Hino, Nissan, Hyundai, Peugeot.
2-Wheels: Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Vespa, Kawasaki

48 Years Commitment of Serving Customers

Brief History of Trademark History  GS Astra battery:

In July 21, 1958, the GS brand (now GS Astra) was registered with number 63999, and in November 8, 1971, Japan Storage Battery (JAPAN), PT Multi Investment (Astra Group) and Toyota Tsusho Kaisha (JAPAN) entered into a joint venture agreement to establish PT . GS Battery Inc. (Now PT GS Battery) in Indonesia.

In March 30, 1974, the GS brand (now GS Astra) listed with number 63999 has been extended by number 103873 and factory PT. GS Battery Inc. (Now PT GS Battery) was ready to operate in Indonesia.

GS Astra Battery is also recognized as the original parts for cars such as TOYOTA, DAIHATSU, SUZUKI, MITSUBISHI etc. and original parts for motorcycle such as HONDA, YAMAHA, SUZUKI etc.

In 19 January 1979, PT GS Battery Inc. (Now PT GS Battery) entered into a distributor agreement with PT. Menara Alam Teknik (now PT Astra Otoparts Tbk.), where PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. was appointed as sole distributor for GS Astra battery sales until now.

GS Astra battery has been produced / marketed in Japan for ± 100 Years and joint ventures in 50 countries including America, Europe, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia etc.

Sole Distributor
PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk.

With the support of distribution network that has been built for more than 25 years from PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. as sole distributor of GS Astra products, GS Astra products are now widely available in the Indonesian market.

The quality of the product is guaranteed by the monitoring system of products distribution which is done very well by PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk, It is proven by the achievement of ISO 9000 certificate from the International Certification Board of PT. TUV International Indonesia.


PT. GS Battery

PT. GS Battery berdiri pada tahun 1972 dan merupakan produsen aki pertama di Indonesia dengan lisensi dari Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd., produsen aki pertama di Jepang.

Merek aki yang diproduksi adalah GS Astra. Asal nama GS adalah dari pendiri perusahaan Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd., yang bernama Genzo Shimadzu. Beliau adalah orang pertama yang mengadakan riset tentang pembuatan aki di Jepang. Dan juga sebagai penemu proses produksi bubuk timah hitam, yang merupakan bahan baku aki.

Memasuki era millenium ini PT GS Battery semakin mantap di percaturan bisnis automotive parts dengan :

  • Diraihnya sertifikat QS 9000 dan ISO 9001 oleh Badan Sertifikat SGS yang merupakan pengakuan standar mutu dan disain produk PT. GS Battery, serta sertifikat mutu akan produk PT. GS Battery dari Japan Storage Battery Co. Ltd. Jepang.
  • Lokasi 3 buah pabrik (Sunter, Karawang & Semarang) menjamin senantiasa akan ketersediaan barang.
  • Inovasi produk yang berkesinambungan dengan orientasi pada kemudahan konsumen.
  • Terpercaya sebagai pensuplai suku cadang asli pabrik pembuat kendaraan bermotor,antara lain:
    Roda 4 : Toyota, Daihatsu, Izusu, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Mazda, Ford, Hino, Nissan, Hyundai, Peugeot.
    Roda 2 : Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Vespa, Kawasaki


Komitmen 48 Tahun Melayani Pelanggan

Informasi Singkat Sejarah Merek Dagang Aki GS Astra :

  1. 21 Juli 1958, merek GS (sekarang GS Astra) telah terdaftar dengan nomor 63999, dan 8 November 1971, Japan Storage Battery (JEPANG), PT Multi Investment (Astra Group) dan Toyota Tsusho Kaisha (JEPANG) mengadakan perjanjian joint venture untuk mendirikan PT. GS Battery Inc. (sekarang PT. GS Battery) di Indonesia.
  2. 30 Maret 1974, merek GS (sekarang GS Astra) daftar dengan nomor 63999 telah diperpanjang dengan nomor103873 dan pabrik PT. GS Battery Inc. (sekarang PT. GS Battery) siap beroperasi di Indonesia.
  3. Aki GS Astra juga diakui sebagai suku cadang asli untuk Mobil TOYOTA, DAIHATSU, SUZUKI, MITSUBISHI dll. dansuku cadang asli untuk Motor HONDA, YAMAHA, SUZUKI dll.
  4. 19 Januari 1979, PT GS Battery Inc. (sekarang PT. GS Battery) mengadakan perjanjian distributor dengan PT. Menara Alam Teknik (sekarang PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk.), dimana PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. ditunjuk sebagai distributor tunggal untuk penjualan produk Aki GS Astra hingga sekarang.
  5. Aki GS Astra sudah diproduksi/dipasarkan di Jepang ±100 Tahun dan joint venture di 50 Negara antara lain Amerika, Eropa, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia dll.

Sole Distributor

PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk.

Dengan dukungan jaringan distribusi yang telah dibangun lebih dari 25 tahun dari PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. sebagai sole distributor produk GS Astra, produk-produk GS Astra dapat dengan mudah ditemukan di pasar Indonesia.

Mutu dan kualitas produk dangat terjamin dengan sistem monitoring distribusi barang yang dilakukan dengan baik oleh PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk, terbukti dengan diraihnya sertifikat ISO 9000 dari Badan Sertifikasi bertaraf internasional PT. TUV International Indonesia.