Tips membersihkan soket kelistrikan Tips to Clean Electricity Socket
English Title: Tips to Clean Electricity Socket
English Body: Here is some advices during rainy season. Dirty water may started building dirt especially in your car electricity system. It is recommended to clean the dirt only with specific tool such as non conducive and easy to dry equipment. Pay attention to some devices that carry an electric element, such as a wiper motor socket (fig 1). When the dirt accumulated here, it will unavoidably cause an unstable electric current. The easiest solution is to open the socket and check its condition. If you see a lot of black dirt, it needs to be sprayed and wiped carefully. We need to use sandpaper if it rusted.
For older vehicles, also check the other socket conditions, such as cables to the coil or lamp socket (fig 2). Loose coil cable might cause the engine choked up, as well as a lamp socket that can make the light beam becomes blurry. Do not only clean one side of the socket, but both.
After the socket is cleaned, there is also major electrical terminal (fig 3) that needs to be cleaned. Usually a white crust is accumulated due to steam condensation after long period of usage. Loss of discharge is usually caused by this crust. You can use special electric cleaners or spraying it with hot water. Then use a clean dry cloth to remove the dirt.
Here is some advices during rainy season.
Dirty water may started building dirt especially in your car electricity system. It is recommended to clean the dirt only with specific tool such as non conducive and easy to dry equipment.
Pay attention to some devices that carry an electric element, such as a wiper motor socket (fig 1). When the dirt accumulated here, it will unavoidably cause an unstable electric current. The easiest solution is to open the socket and check its condition. If you see a lot of black dirt, it needs to be sprayed and wiped carefully. We need to use sandpaper if it rusted.
For older vehicles, also check the other socket conditions, such as cables to the coil or lamp socket (fig 2). Loose coil cable might cause the engine choked up, as well as a lamp socket that can make the light beam becomes blurry. Do not only clean one side of the socket, but both.
After the socket is cleaned, there is also major electrical terminal (fig 3) that needs to be cleaned. Usually a white crust is accumulated due to steam condensation after long period of usage. Loss of discharge is usually caused by this crust. You can use special electric cleaners or spraying it with hot water. Then use a clean dry cloth to remove the dirt.
Musim hujan yang datang bisa dianggap berkah, tetapi harus waspada juga kalau menyangkut kinerja mesin.
Air yang terciprat dari kolong kendaraan kadang bisa membuat kotoran menumpuk. Parahnya kalau menumpuk di soket kelistrikan, pasti fitur mobil akan terganggu. Padahal, membersihkannya pun tak bisa sembarangan.
Paling penting, harus memilah-milah obat pembersih khusus perangkat kelistrikan. Khusus untuk hal ini karena mengandung unsur listrik jadi pembersih yang digunakan pun harus yang khusus membersihkan kelistrikan, lebih aman karena tidak menghantarkan arus listrik dan cepat kering.
Beberapa perangkat yang mengalirkan arus listrik, contohnya soket motor wiper (gbr. 1). Perangkat ini apabila kotoran menumpuk, pasti akan menyebabkan aliran listrik tidak stabil. Indikasi paling mudah, buka soket dan lihat kondisinya.
Apabila terlihat banyak kotoran menghitam, sudah tandanya untuk dibersihkan. Semprot dan usapkan saja perlahan dengan tangan untuk kotoran membandel. Jika sudah ada karat mau tak mau harus diampelas.
Untuk kendaraan yang sudah berumur, lihat juga kondisi soket lain seperti kabel menuju koil atupun soket lampu (gbr. 2). Efeknya, kabel koil yang longgar bisa mengakibatkan mesin terasa tersendat, begitu juga dengan soket lampu yang bisa membuat sinar lampu menjadi redup. Diusahakan jangan satu sisi soket saja yang disemprot, soket bagian motor juga dibersihkan.
Kelar soket dibersihkan, ada juga perangkat listrik lain yang utama, yaitu terminal aki (gbr. 3). Setelah sekian lama, biasanya ada kerak putih akibat kondensasi uap air aki yang menumpuk. Kalau terlalu banyak, gejala seperti aki kehabisan setrum jamak ditemui. Dapat menggunakan pembersih khusus listrik atau menggunakan air panas. Semprot, lalu gunakan lap kain bersih untuk menghilangkan bekas kotoran.